Organizational Agility

What is Organizational Agility and how to implement it?

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If we had a dime for every time a user asks the question ‘What is Organizational Agility and how to implement it?’, we’d be billionaires.

Here is a billion-dollar question that’s on everybody’s mind!

But, why is Organizational Agility making its way into the corporate dictionary?

Here stat that has sparked a discussion on Organizational Agility on the internet-

92% of the C-level executives believe organizational agility is critical to business success. Yet only 27% consider themselves highly agile. With this, we’ll be talking about today’s core topic ‘Organizational Agility and how to implement it?’

Grab a pen and paper because there is a lot to learn!

What is Organizational Agility?

Organizational Agility is the ability of an organization to renew itself, assimilate, change quickly, and succeed in a rapidly changing, ambiguous, turbulent environment.

Now, we know ‘What is Organizational Agility?’, what next?

Let’s take a look at its benefits.

Benefits of Organizational Agility

Now, why is there a furore about organizational agility?

The benefits of Organizational Agility are many and hence the buzz. Here are 3 benefits of Organizational Agility that you should know-

  • Acclimatize change

Times are dynamic. What works today will become obsolete tomorrow. Organizations that are prepared to predict the impending changes, progress with speed, take advantage of latest trends and technologies.

That’s the reason organizational agility is important so that your organization can withstand tough times.

  • Superlative growth in revenue

Organizations that have achieved agility often report higher revenue. If an organization prioritizes innovation over complacency and adapts to changing trends and ideas before its competitors, it will be the first to launch new products, giving it a first mover advantage.

  • Amplified Employee Engagement

Loyal employees are an asset to organizations. Employees want to work in an organization where there is innovation, growth, and opportunities to prosper.

Agile enterprises have higher employee engagement strategies. Higher attrition rates mean high cost of turnover.

Steps to implement Organizational Agility

You read the benefits of organizational agility. Let’s now look at the steps to implement organizational agility-

  • Develop the Right Mindset

Organizational Agility starts with the right mindset. The right mindset is the agile mindset.

Dynamic practices make companies capable of responding and adapting against new challenges while stable practices ensure reliability and efficiency by creating elements that don’t change frequently.

The ability to balance dynamic and stable practices will help you achieve organizational agility.

  • Hire the right people

Hiring managers and Human Resources personnel play a great role in achieving organizational agility.

Hiring people only for technical skills will not make organizations agile. Hiring people who have the ability to learn and commit is important. Communication is a key trait that enables collaboration between members in an organization.  Recruiting intrapreneurs who take ownership and risks will help in building the path towards organizational agility.

  • Envision goals

A common organizational vision that binds the company as one unit is necessary to achieve organizational agility.

A mutual organizational vision ensures increased employee engagement which increases employee job satisfaction improving productivity and decreases staff turnover.

By having a clear vision, you’ll be able to break it down into small goals that will ensure that the team is heading in the right direction.

  • Eliminate Organizational Silos

Traditionally run organizations have always restricted inter-functional collaboration. Be it Marketing, Sales, Tech, Design, all work individually and work together only when the need arises.

Working in silos is an agility killer. Organizations can only adapt to changes faster if there is a cross functional collaboration. When all have them have a shared vision and goals, it becomes easier to progress.

  • Repeat and Improve

The final step is to analyze and improve on the existing efforts. Problems such as conflict and lack of cooperation among team members must be resolved.

You should be constantly repeating and improving. That’s what makes an organization truly agile. Only if you can change gears quickly without losing control, you’ll be able to adapt to changes quickly.


Organizational Agility isn’t magic. It isn’t achieved in a day, week, month or even a year. It takes several years and the correct application of agile principles and best practices to achieve organizational agility.

Unless you develop the agile mindset, invest resources in hiring the right people, visualize goals, remove organizational silos, and repeat and improve, organizational agility will remain a distant dream.

In case you have any doubts regarding ‘What is Organizational Agility and how to implement it?’, you can always refer to this blog post.

Don’t forget to bookmark this blog post.

Good luck with achieving organizational agility.

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