Nutrients Required for Maintaining Joint Health

What are the Nutrients Required for Maintaining Joint Health?

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Pain in the joints is critical, they not only make a person weak but also make the person dependent on others. A person with joint pain becomes unable to comfortably perform daily activities. For example, if someone is suffering from joint pain in the knee, he/she finds it difficult to even walk. Similarly, if the pain is in the wrist, the person will become unable to even pick a glass of water.

Joint pain could be serious if ignored, and in certain cases, surgery may be required to bring back the normal functioning of the joint. In most surgeries, orthopedic implants like Titanium Screw for Surgery, Titanium Bone Plates, and Nails may be used.

In this post, we will discuss some essential nutrient requirements to keep joints and bones healthy.

Essential Nutrients to Maintain Bone Health

These nutrients will not only help maintain the health and strength of joints and bones but also assist in providing protection against inflammation.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is known to be helpful in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. This is an inflammatory condition that results in swelling of the joint along with pain. Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in reducing inflammation and when this occurs, the pain will also be managed while restoring normal joint function. Above all, Omega-3 fatty acids are also good for heart health. They are found in fatty fishes like tuna, salmon, and mackerel. Walnuts and flaxseeds also have a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids.


Calcium always has a big role in maintaining strong bones and ensuring good bone density. Now, when the bone health is good, the joint will also remain in a good position. Besides this, calcium also plays an essential part in ensuring good blood circulation and maintaining muscle health. It is very important for the body to receive calcium from natural resources. This is because if calcium levels in the body become low, the body will start removing it from the bones. In this scenario, our bones will start becoming weak. Milk is a great source of natural calcium along with leafy vegetables like spinach.

Vitamin D

Now, along with calcium, vitamin D intake is a must as it helps absorb calcium in the body. So, if vitamin D levels go down, the body will not be able to absorb the required amount of calcium. Thus, this will also directly affect joint health. A natural source of vitamin D is sunlight but standing in sunlight for long could be harmful. Food items having a good amount of vitamin D include fortified milk and orange juice, egg yolks, and fortified cereal.

Anthocyanins and Polyphenols

Both of these are antioxidants that are responsible for providing protection against free radicals that cause cell damage. If we talk about anthocyanins, then they have the ability to lower down the levels of c-reactive proteins that are markers of inflammation. While on the other hand, polyphenols have the property of reducing joint inflammation and slow-down cartilage breakdown.  Besides this, polyphenols are also known to improve bone health. Food sources of these antioxidants may include cherries, blueberries, and raspberries (for anthocyanins), and teas (for polyphenols).

Maintaining a healthy diet is always the key to maintain good bone and joint health. If bones become weak the risk of fracture increases and surgery may be required. Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is a trustworthy manufacturer of high-quality trauma implants that are used for the fixation of fractures. Some of the orthopedic devices fabricated by the company include Cannulated Cancellous Screws for joint, Intramedullary Rod Humerus, and Tens Nail Femur.

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