Understanding Hair Transplant Procedures: A Comprehensive Guide

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Hair loss can be a problem for both men and women. Hair transplants UK are becoming more popular because they provide a permanent solution to restoring hair and regaining self-confidence. In this comprehensive article, we’ll examine the different types of hair transplants, their benefits, as well as considerations for those considering this option.

  1. Follicular Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular-unit transplantation or strip harvesting is a long-standing method of hair replacement. In this procedure, a strip containing hair follicles is surgically extracted from the donor site, which is normally the back and sides of the skull, where the hairs are more resistant to falling out. The strip, which is separated into individual units using a microscope, is then transplanted to the area of hair loss.

Benefits of FUT:

  • It permits a high number of grafts to be transplanted at one time.
  • This is for those who suffer from advanced hair loss or need extensive coverage.
  • A linear scar is formed that can be covered up by surrounding hair after the donor site heals.


  • There is a visible scab, which might be an issue for people with shorter hairstyles.
  • It takes longer to recover compared with other hair restoration methods.
  • Due to the larger incision, there is a greater risk of discomfort or numbness following surgery.
  1. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive technique for hair transplantation that involves harvesting follicular units from the donor region using a tiny punch tool. The follicular grafts are transplanted directly into the recipient, where they will continue growing hair.

Benefits of FUE:

  • There are no linear scars since the follicles extracted are individual.
  • This system has less downtime, and it recovers faster than FUT.
  • This is for those who want to maintain a shorter haircut and minimize visible scarring.


  • There is a lower graft production per session than with FUT.
  • High cost per graft because of its labour-intensive nature.
  • Possible follicle injury during extraction leads to lower survival rates for grafts.
  1. Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), also known as Direct Hair Transplantation, is a modern hair transplantation method that combines FUE techniques with specialized tools. DHI uses a micro punch to extract hair follicles and then implants them directly into the recipient’s area.

Benefits and DHI:

  • A procedure that is minimally invasive, without the need for scalpels or stitches.
  • Direct implantation increases the survival rate of grafts by minimizing handling.
  • Control the angle, depth and density of the hair implant for natural-looking results.


  • It requires special training to be able to perform.
  • A higher cost is associated with the FUE/FUT procedure due to its advanced technology.
  • This procedure is more time-consuming than other hair transplant techniques.

Hair Transplant Costs:

The cost of a hair transplant can vary depending on several factors. These include the type of procedure, the extent and severity of hair loss, and the expertise of the surgeon. In the United States, average hair transplant costs depend on each procedure. The FUT extraction is simpler and less costly than DHI.


Hair transplants London procedures can provide a permanent solution for those experiencing hair loss. This will help them regain a fuller head of hair and boost their confidence. It is important to understand the differences between hair transplants, how they work, their pros, and the costs associated with them. This will help you make an informed choice about your treatment. A qualified and experienced hair surgeon will be able to help you achieve the desired results.