
$treams Lyrics – EDEN | No Future

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$treams Lyrics$treams Song Lyrics is an English song sung by EDEN from the album No Future$treams Track Number 16 is written by Tony Lomena and Jonathon Ng.

EDEN $treams Song Lyrics Details

AlbumNo Future
WriterTony Lomena and Jonathon Ng
CategoryEnglish Song Lyrics

treams Lyrics

$treams Lyrics

Heart beat, blunt feel, can’t sleep
Cold, but it’s still burning
Your precious time wasting on me

So why you gotta drag me?
I’ve been in a hole since like last week
And I’m holding on, I’ve held on
I’m holed up

‘Cause you love in
You love in stream’s
Seasonal life bringer
‘Cause you love in
Yeah, you love in stream’s
But I can’t keep swimming uphill, woah

Wonder how we’ll call it in the light
Saharan heat had me driving in the sky
Throwing stones ’cause you’re getting bored
Kids in glass houses don’t wear a lot of clothes

Okay, so why you gotta drag me?
I’ve been in a hole since like last week
And I’m holding up, I’ve held on
I’m holding on

‘Cause you love in
And you love in stream’s, stream’s
‘Cause you love in, you love in stream’s
But I can’t keep swimming uphill
‘Cause you love in, you love in stream’s
Oh, the only way is up from here

Heart beats drowned out
Let me go now (to the haters?)
Blunt feel trauma (to the youth)
Sleepless cycle
Precess further (do something)
(Do whatever, you know?) I-

Start a milk factory, go make uh, magazine, uh, get a job
Draw a painting, do anything, you know?
Just have fun, stay safe
Safe sex, safe drugs
And uh, have fun, that’s it

EDEN $treams Song

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