The Best Golf Driving Tips

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Want to pump out 40+ yards off the tee? Imagine what that would do for your scores and golf handicap. Not to mention how impressed the guys in your regular foursome would be. Gaining 40 yards off the tee would take your game to the next level and dramatically boost your chances of breaking 80.

Pumping out 40+ driving yards sounds like a real challenge—one that tests most weekend golfers to beat. But it might be easier than you think. By making a few simple changes to your swing—one in particular—you can boost yardage off the tee without having to take golf lessons or buying a new and expensive driver.

Let’s take a closer look at three golf driving tips you can make right now that will help you gain the extra yards off the tee and take your game to a new level:

1. Hitting from the inside on the downswing

The simplest most effective tip for boosting driving yardage is hitting from the inside on your downswing. A study done by Golf Digest shows that you can add 40+ yards off the tee by making this adjustment. Hitting from the inside means swinging the club from inside the target line instead of outside the target line. This move is called swinging in-to-out.

Hitting from the outside does two things—both of which are bad. It prevents you from achieving the right launch angle with your shot and gaining sufficient height in your ball flight. Both of these moves sap power from your swing, costing you yardage.

You might switch to a more lofted driver as a temporary solution. This change improves your launch angle but costs yardage. Added benefits to swinging in-to-out are that it produces a draw and it erases a slice. Below is a drill that can help you achieve the in-to-out swing path:

Best Golf Driving Tips

Tee up a ball. Then, set up to it with your driver. Place a headcover one clubhead behind the ball and one clubhead to the outside of the target line. Place a second clubhead one clubhead in front of the ball and one clubhead inside the target line.

That creates a channel for your club to follow on an inside-to-out swing path. Now follow that channel on your downswing right through to impact. Make this move correctly, and you’ll produce a draw off the tee.

2. Hinger your wrists as you take the club back

Coming too far on the inside of your backswing is asking for trouble. But it’s easy to do. This move encourages you to re-route the club to outside the target line—a fault known in golf as coming over the top. It’s a common swing flaw that short-circuits power, costing you yardage.

To beat this fault, you need to make sure you hinge your wrists as you take the club back, and not just turn your shoulders, which pulls the club inside on the backswing. A good test to see if you’re committing this swing fault is to take the club back to hip high and stop. Now check your driver’s position to see if it’s where it should be.

3. Create enough space inside

The key to swinging down from the inside is creating enough space between your right hand (left if you’re left-handed) and your back ear on your backswing. If you come too close to your ear, you won’t have enough room to come down on the inside.

To see if you’re coming too close to your ear, take the club back with your right hand only and stop. Now check your hand. Is there plenty of room between your hand and your ear? Grip the club with your other hand. This position is just where you need to be at the top of your swing.

Ingrain the three golf driving tips discussed above in your swing, and you’ll pump out more yardage from the tee. Generating more yardage will take your swing and your game to the next level and dramatically boost your chances of breaking 80.

Achieving Accuracy Off the Tee: 3 Driving Golf Tips

If you’re like many weekend golfers, you’d love to belt laser-like drives down the middle. Belting drives like that keep you on the fairway and out of trouble. That, in turn, boosts your chances of cutting strokes from your scores. If you’re serious about breaking 80, you need to work on hitting laser-like drives with deadly accuracy.

Below are three proven driving tips that can help you hit the fairway consistently:

  1. Create a launching pad at setup
  2. Get your hips involved in the swing
  3. Stay connected in your downswing

If you watched the Byron Nelson Classic a week or two ago, you saw some excellent scores. Despite the rain, Sung-hoon Kang won it with a -23 That’s a remarkable score. Staying in the fairway was a big reason he won. Below are the three critical driving golf tips that helped him do it.

  • Create a launching pad at setup — You want to create a launching pad at the address. To do it, set up with your bak shoulder lower than your front and the ball is positioned just opposite your front armpit. That creates a foundation that guarantees you hit the ball on the upswing and with low spin characteristics, for longer straighter drives.

Start your downswing with your hips — Trying to push your arms, as many golfers do, drains power from your swing. Instead, use your hips to trigger your downswing. That not only keeps you on the right swing path. It also allows you to use the twisting momentum of a full shoulder turn to generate faster clubhead speed and squeeze out more yards from the tee box.

Stay connected on the downswing — If your arms get “stuck” behind your body or race ahead of it, you’ll hit a slice. Instead, you need to learn to move your arms and body together. It’s called staying connected, and it’s a critical key to accuracy. To ingrain this move, wedge a head cover under each arms pit. Then make hip-high to high-high practice swings without letting the head covers fall to the ground.

These three golf driving tips are proven and effective. Ingraining them is the key to striping laser-like drives down the fairway consistently. It might also get you 15 to 20 or more yards from the tee.  Wouldn’t that be great?

Boost Driving Accuracy, Cut Strokes with this Golf Drill


Hitting a 250-yard drive is great. But if you’ve sliced it into a clump of trees, it’ll cost you strokes. You’re better off pumping out a 200-yard drive that lands in the fairway. You’ll have a longer shot into the green, but you’ll be hitting from the fairway. That’s a huge advantage.

Put simply, the driver is a power-laden scoring club, but only if you hit the fairway. Below is a proven golf drill that helps boost driving accuracy:

  1. Buy a bucket of range balls and find a station where you can see the yardage markers on the range. Now, tee up a shot, and address the ball as you normally would.
  2. Take some practice swings. Then, step up to the ball and let one rip using your normal swing. Notice how the swing feels and where your ball lands. Do this a few times.
  3. Put another ball on the tee, but pick a target about 100 yards away. Give yourself a good visual target to hit, then swing for it. Hitting your 100-yard target requires a slow, rhythmic swing. Repeat this swing several times. Keep hitting shots until your swing feels comfortable and you’re hitting the target more often than not.
  4. Put another ball on the tee. Aim for a target 125 yards away and swing away. Again, get a good visual target to hit. Remember, your aim goes where your eyes go. Now try to hit the target. Repeat the exercise until you feel comfortable with the swing and are hitting your 125-yard target more often than not.
  5. Keep moving the target back 25 yards at a time until you’re hitting the ball as far as you were hitting it at the beginning of the golf drill with your full, unbridled swing, Make sure each time you swing you’re focusing on getting close to a specific target, not just whacking it out there.

Hitting shots to shorter targets force you to slow down your swing and feel your swing path. It also teaches you some invaluable lessons about tempo and the shape of your swing. Boosting driving accuracy gives you easier approach shots into the green and helps cut strokes from your scores.