Flexible Robot Arms

The Benefits of Flexible Robot Arms Over Tool Changers

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As technology advances, manufacturers are not just looking to make operations in their firms efficient. They are also keen on factors such as flexibility. One of the technological devices that have enabled manufactures to achieve this goal is the flexible robot arms.

Flexible robot arm devices can adapt to any shape and change gripping devices directly on the line. UR5e robot is designed to increase productivity and keep your organization ahead of the competition. It is equipped with intuitive programming, has versatile use, and numerous opportunities for add-ons that enhance production in your company 10-fold.

Here are a few reasons why you should switch to flexible robot arms.

Advantages of Flexible Robot Arms

Shorter Cycle Time

One of the measures of an efficient production system is its cycle times. The lower the number of cycle times, the more the production and the greater the profits. That is why manufacturers strive to produce a product in the least possible time.

The use of flexible robot arms reduces the time that standard tool changers use during production. The use of tool changers requires you to stop production each time changes need to be changed. Flexible robot arms adapt to any object without stopping production, thereby reducing the cycle time.

Saved Floor Space

If you are a manufacturing company manager, you probably understand what a valuable asset floor space is. If you manage a manufacturing plant that uses a tool changer, you know the value of floor space even more because you need enough space to keep all the user devices during production. Replacing tool changers with UR flexible robot arms will enable you to save on floor space by using just one unit.

Less Torque and Payload

The flexible robot arm also has a lighter payload compared to tool changers. The UR5e has a payload of 5 kgs and has a mass weight of only 20 kgs. Using a tool changer with other devices requires you to fit it with a connecting device at the wrist. Each time a tool is installed on the robot arms, the weight of the new tool is counted on the robot’s payload.

The fitted device always adds weight to the robot’s wrist. The tool changers are designed for specific torque and payload. Hence the added weight often modifies the device’s specifications. It reduces the device’s accuracy because the more distance there is between the joint and the payload, the more torque is registered. The accuracy of a flexible robot arm, on the other hand, is hardly affected by changing payload.

No Need of Designing Different Devices

When using a tool changer, you need to keep different devices close to performing various tasks during production. Generating custom designs for every device is an expensive affair that requires prototyping and consumes much energy and time.

Moreover, today’s flexibility requires the addition of new parts to accommodate any features that increase production. The charming tool will therefore need to be redesigned to fit the changes. Not only is this draining, but it also an expensive method of production that increases the cost of production. It would be best to have a collaborative robot with fast payback times to stay ahead of the competition.


If you have a couple of devices for handling various applications or engage in low-mix high volume production, too, changes could work for you. However, if you need to advance with technology, you must consider flexibility and prepare to adopt a flexible robot arm device that increases production, enhances efficiency, and reduce production time.

The UR5e flexible robot is a lightweight collaborative industrial device that will tackle all medium-duty applications with impressive flexibility. It seamlessly integrates into a wide range of applications, particularly picking and placing tasks that are dangerous and time-consuming, and alleviates the workload on your employees to enable them to add more value to the production process.