
Rosacea On Face: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies

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Have you ever heard about rosacea?

-if you have, then it’s alright, but if you didn’t, then no need to feel troubled as this article is going to guide you through all the facts regarding ‘rosacea.”

Now, what is rosacea in the first place?

Let me make it easy for you if your face turns red, as if you are blushing and bumps on your face like acne. Then you must be suffering from a skin condition called rosacea.

The picture you see above can give you an idea of how your skin might look due to rosacea!!

Although rosacea is incurable if treated earlier, there are high chances of defeating this vicious skin disease.

There are many sorts of ways through which your doctor can provide you, and also, there are various home remedies that you can apply to bring back the charm of your face.

Therefore, read till the end of this article, as it can be your “Golden Goose” which you don’t want to miss!!!

Symptoms And Causes of Rosacea

A common question that might arise within you is how we can know if we are suffering from rosacea!!

The most prominent symptom you’ll notice is redness in various places of your skin (i.e., cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin). Although you can also experience this redness on your chest, neck, ears, and head, this is very unlikely!!

Within a few moments, you can observe that broken blood vessels have started to show up through the skin; this can get thicken and end up swelling. In many cases, people suffering from rosacea can also get attached to various eye problems.

That’s not all other symptoms may include:

  • Burning sessions on your skin
  • Drying out of your skin
  • Your nose might get swollen.
  • Larger pores
  • Problems regarding your vision

Honestly, this condition is more like an “uninvited guest” in your life!!

The symptoms can come and leave anytime. You might have to experience them for a week, and later you’ll observe the conditions are gone, and then out of the blue, they might appear again.

When you are suffering from rosacea, you don’t have any option except for treatment. It’s not like a “seasonal flu,” which you can ignore and let your body’s defense system do the work for you.

If you are not serious about the treatments, there are higher chances that the situation might worsen and become permanent!!!

Rosacea Causes:

You might know the symptoms now, but does this question arise in your head, “What causes this skin condition?”

  • Yes, it must arise!!!

There are still no robust reports by the researchers of what causes rosacea, to be honest with you.

But don’t you worry, as this article is going to send you empty-handed. As there are a few things that can initiate rosacea to throw its attack on you.

  • The genes, as this disease often runs in the family blood.
  • Issues in your face’s blood vessels can also cause this condition. Moreover, sun damage can also be one of the main reasons for your blood vessels to widen, making them more visible to people.
  • There is some sort of bacteria which can also be the initiator of this condition. In many studies, it has been found that this bacteria can raise the amount of gastrin (a digestive hormone) which can also be responsible for your skin to look flushed.

There are a few other reasons which can also lead to developing rosacea:

  • If you have light skin or even blonde hair.
  • If your age is between 30 and 50
  • If you are a woman (the changes increases)
  • If you have severe acne issues
  • If you have bad smoking habits.

Treatments For Rosacea

There are no problems that don’t come with solutions. But you’ll be able to dig up the answers only if you start digging at the right time.

In short, what I meant to say is that if you delay this problem, there are chances that despite having the solutions, just due to the responsibility, you might miss out on the cure.

Therefore, always make sure to seek a checkup from your doctor if you see any such symptoms. But now, I’ll be telling you some of the remedies that can help you with this condition.

  • Mirvaso:

This is a type of gel that can tighten your blood vessels and hence help you to reduce redness.

  • Azelaic Acid:

This is also a type of gel that can help you reduce the swelling and the redness in your skin.

  • Antibiotics:

Antibiotics that are capable of killing bacteria can also come in handy. And when the bacteria production starts to reduce, the swelling and redness begin to deteriorate.

Further Treatment Recommendations

Some of your doctors might even recommend you to undergo specific treatments, and light therapy treatment is one of them.

Light therapy has been an “all-round” remedy for many many conditions. Whether it’s depression, SAD, insomnia, or even rosacea, this therapy has always been to the rescue.

LED bright light therapy can also be used for skin care purposes. Mainly, the initial reason for the design of this therapy was to cure people of depression, but after extensive research, researchers have concluded that light therapy can also reduce rosacea.

Studies have substantiated that this therapy can reduce the redness and swelling on your skin. Although there is laser therapy and intense pulsed therapy to do the job, bright light therapy is still the leading solution.

When you are consistent with this therapy, you’ll start to notice changes in your appearance. Although there might be some minimal side effects, they shouldn’t do any damage.

Moreover, you’ll be seeing excellent results if you are regular with this therapy.

Final Verdict

Rosacea is incurable!! Only if you delay with this skin condition.

Whenever you see such symptoms, don’t wait!!! Seek medical attention as soon as possible. And always follow the instructions that your dermatologist or doctor might suggest to you.

Even before grabbing a light therapy, ask your doctor the type of therapy device that will perfectly suit your condition.

I hope this article has provided you with all the information you need to know about rosacea and how you can fight it!!!

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