
My Journey of Becoming a Bodybuilder

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This is Carter, a 25 years old male belonging to California. Two years ago, when I had a bulky body weighing 92 kilograms, I was fond of eating fast food, used to go to the office, and later on, in the evening hours, spent my time watching movies and gossiping with friends. In fact, there were very few physical activities involved in my life.

Then I started realizing that I was getting lazy, and trying to put off my physical responsibilities, with the gradual increase in weight. All of it was due to the fewer physical activities. Then one fine day, I decided to get rid of such a sluggish routine and reform my body to a fit shape. It was due to the inspirational video of Frank Medrano which I watched that day while taking tea at 4 in the afternoon.

It was June 24, 2018, when I rushed to a gym running at a kilometer distance from my home. I met Mr. Alex, a gym trainer there, and conveyed my desire who promised to make it true if I was to work with firm determination. He told me a few important things about bodybuilding and asked me to join the gymnasium by tomorrow.

On the very next day, I was there in the gym. I was told by the trainer to work out for arms and shoulders on the first day. It was a bit of a hard activity but enjoyable. The trainer informed me that you should not work out for more than a part of your body every day; otherwise, you would not be able to get the results quickly and effectively.

I was assigned all the days of the week for one part of the body by my trainer i.e., chest, back, legs, abdomen, arms, and shoulders, while Sunday was kept for rest. Your body muscles cannot grow if there is no proper rest in your workout schedule. So, taking a weekly rest along with eight hours daily rest is essential to get satisfactory results out of exercises.

I was also provided a diet plan to follow strictly. The diet plan was according to my body weight, fat level, and other factors. I was advised to go for bodybuilding along with losing my weight. That’s why; I was also performing 15 minutes of cardio exercise daily after my weight lifting workout. My diet plan included

  • More Protein
  • Moderate Carbohydrates
  • Less Fat
  • Moderate Amino acids

He also recommended me to buy injectable steroids online that I got from UGFreak.

My first week of the workout was very tough as my body was sore and unable to move my arms. It recovered gradually, and I was feeling well after 10 days. It is my personal experience that if you are doing your workout properly and dedicatedly, you will find results as following:

  • The first month is tough to perform a workout as you feel tired
  • The second month you started to feel well to perform workouts
  • The third month you enjoy the workout and people start noticing a change in your body

And all this happened to me.  After completion of the first month, although there were no significant changes in my body except feeling fresh and good, I felt that I am like a muscular guy. The third month of the workouts, my muscles started getting clearer, as they were growing gradually, and my fat level was reducing.

I continued my routine with the increasing intensity of the workout at the same pace. My target was to bring my fat level in a single-digit percentage that will lean out my body and will sharply display my muscles. Weight lifting exercise kept building my muscles.

It took me two years to achieve my target. I am 66 kilograms today, with a 9% of fat level. The body I have gained is the dream of thousands and is a source of pleasure and pride for me. No doubt, your hard work never goes unrewarded.

Finally, I am planning to compete in a national level tournament next week and am very much confident to win it. I am smarter, leaner, muscular, and have a very attractive body. So, to all those who have given up on themselves, remember the fact that you can still do it. If you want to become a bodybuilder like me, don’t waste any time, get yourself a fitness plan, hire a trainer and pay attention to your lifestyle. Based on the recommendation of your trainer, you can also buy injectable steroids.

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