Slow Down Mobile Phone Development

How Substitute Components Will Slow Down Mobile Phone Development

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The development of the mobile phone is in constant flux and development, and the recent and ongoing chip shortage has meant that there may be some unexpected changes in this sector in the near future.

The tech production market has seen major shortages of components in recent times, with specific regard to the low-voltage chips and capacitors that are needed in smart mobile technology. The price of these components has skyrocketed based on design and we are currently faced with some required changes in design and production based on these shortages. This is the basis of the news coming out of the mobile tech development sector at the moment.

What was in short supply?

The irony of the current situation (a shortage of low-voltage components) is that there was initially no shortage in the larger-scale and -voltage chips, but because of the demand in mobile tech and smart handheld devices, there was a rush by manufacturers to make the smaller cap, lower-voltage chips in larger quantities. Although this has been good for the mobile phone and tablet sector, there have also been various drawbacks. It was in this rush to make a profit from mobile tech chip-making that automotive and military chip development was ignored.

Furthermore, the modern mobile phone now has more of these chips than ever before, and even more than could have been imagined just a few years ago. The capability of the smart mobile is now akin to that of a supercomputer and as such, the bulk production of lower-standard chips to meet demand, has meant that there are a lot of unsuitable products out there. Heightened demand meant that everyone who could was making these chips or versions of them, and the result is a proliferation of low-quality non-branded chips and counterfeit chips on the market. As a producer or manufacturer, there is no alternative but to do through searches on professional part finder platforms like Octopart, and ensure that you are informed and aware of the various alternatives and substitutes that can be used.

How it affects design

The fact that a critical component was and is likely to be in short supply for the foreseeable future means that designers have begun to think of alternative options and possible solutions.

There are a number of options, but each of these is likely to slow down production and even cause some delays to new product release dates. The alternative is that lower-quality parts are used, and the lifespan of the mobile device is then reduced, and the quality will be in question.


The upsurge in mobile phone and smart device demand has been phenomenal and more than 90% of the globe now have some form of smart phone or mobile device. This means that any delay in production will cost the players in this sector huge amounts of money. It will be those who are able to speedily determine replacements and components that can be used instead.

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