How Does Implantation Bleeding Look Like

How Does Implantation Bleeding Look Like? | KulFiy

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How Does Implantation Bleeding Look Like

How Does Implantation Bleeding Look Like A lot of women who are new to pregnancy signs are terrified when their vagina bleeding. Implantation spotting is a good sign and means that your baby has now held your womb tight.

All the nutrients and oxygen is reaching your baby. The placenta will soon form and tiny organs will take shape.

What is implantation bleeding?

The attachment of egg to the womb wall sheds off some blood. This takes longer to come out that the time for blood turning brown. This process is known as implantation bleeding.

How does implantation bleeding look on a pad?

Although it varies, mostly implantation bleeding looks like brown spotting occurring near the time of period. It’s the first sure sign of being pregnant.

Now that you know this, don’t worry about the spotting before period while TTC.

This post covers everything you need to know about IB.

When does Implantation bleeding occur?

On average the time when implantation spotting occurs is after 9-12 days from ovulation.

After fertilization of the egg and sperm, there is a division of the single cell. When a bunch of cells gathers it’s time for them to go and adhere to the wall of the uterus.

As the bunch of cells pushes into the cushion of the uterus wall, some blood vessels leak. Further when the cells sink inside implantation bleeding starts.

IB stage 1 involves cramps and tingling sensation in the abdomen as the cells tuck in.

Once the cells get a grip, the second stage involves the release of chemicals that loosen the tissue and incorporate the egg. That is when IB starts and you see bleeding for a few hours before period days.

In women who have a longer cycle late implantation bleeding after missed period happens. Another question that pops up now is, how to distinguish implantation bleeding and period.

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How to tell implantation bleeding vs period?

Implantation bleeding signs such as the color, duration, and timing help to differentiate from the period. Mostly implantation bleeding is a small amount, unlike period that is a heavy flow.

Like a gradient, your period flow reduces by days but implantation spotting occurs erratically.

Not all women experience ‘implantation bleeding’. Nearly 2/3rd women do not have signs of implantation. So the question of “heavy implantation bleeding” doesn’t occur in normal cases.

They can later recall about some sensations they had. After implantation morning sickness begins due to the pregnancy toxicosis.

A period has a PMS that is unbearable for a huge number of reproductive women. Implantation doesn’t have such signs of painful cramps.

Early pregnancy cramps are mild and not painful. You feel some wriggly sensations in your stomach which can go ignored as gut movements.

Implantation bleeding and period also differ from each other in their timing. A period occurs ideally after 2 weeks from ovulation.

Implantation spotting may be later by a few days in different women but happens before period. In extreme cases, there can be late implantation.

Nonetheless, those women have had episodes of such delay in period.

How long does implantation bleeding last?

The color of IB is a hint of how long it’ll last. When you see bright red implantation bleeding it will last longer.

Why? Active bleeding is not implantation spotting and instead break out bleeding. Implantation bleeding in the rare of rarest cases would be bright red.

Normally implantation bleeding lasts for a few hours. And if it’s discontinuous then you can expect that IB will get over in a day.

Anything that goes beyond a period of 3 days is not due to implantation.

What does implantation bleeding look like?

Small drops of brown, orange or dark red blood are types of IB. Some women have pinkish “implantation bleeding” because there are some active bleeding areas.

On your pad, you will see dark spots before period date. It’s possible that you pass off the implantation bleeding while answering nature’s call.

Can implantation bleeding have clots? No. Clots in vaginal bleeding are pieces of tissue from the wall of the uterus.

When you’re embarking on the journey of pregnancy you have to preserve the uterine lining. Shedding it off will lead to miscarriage.

If you happen to see clots in your bleeding near implantation take it as a period. Follow the precautions for early pregnancy but anticipate your period to be one way.

Don’t freak out if you see bleeding. There are many women who have had healthy babies even when they had a period in the first three months of pregnancy.

Implantation signs and symptoms include cramps, nausea, and fatigue. As your body is working to prepare for the baby’s growth you feel sleepy.

Implantation bleeding may or may not occur, but implantation happens in every case unexceptionally. The baby needs to attach to get the entire nutrient from you.

The reason it takes time for implantation is that fertilization occurs in the tubes. Then the baby cells come down in the womb.

You need to get ready with your pregnancy test kit to check whether you’re pregnant!!