
Get Smart About Worldly Education: Top Questions to ask an International School Near You

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Decades of tourism, foreign investment in major infrastructure development, evangelism, business ownership, and planting roots here with growing families have created a rich global diversity around Thailand.

I feel safe and free in The Kingdom. I feel welcome with an acceptable visa and work permit process, which I can conduct on my own for a reasonable price. Many choose an intermediary and pay much higher fees to save a few hours once a year, and 20 minutes every 90 days.

Each province has requirements and they will change frequently, or so it seems. I feel Thailand speaks loudly to those who want to remain in their country by the ease of the visa process. At the moment, they are making it easier for BOI companies, workers, and families, while becoming more stringent on retirement visas.

If you are growing a new or existing family in Thailand, you will have concerns about education for your young ones. As Westerners, we cherish few things more than quality education for ourselves and our families. Contact an international primary school in Bangkok for an initial informative conversation about what they offer.

Prepare questions regarding the curriculum and that it meets your goals.

  • What will your children experience in the program?
  • What languages are available? Your children will meet others from Europe, ASEAN, and North American countries. What an opportunity!
  • You should ask about online or one-on-one focused tutoring for under-skilled subjects or areas of inspiration to bolster foundations. Remote learning options helped me with my language skills. Do they have advanced academic programs? Learning-support services are important.
  • We can not be with our children all day, so the observational skills of staff are important. Ask the school to detail their continuing education process for all educators. What are their staffing requirements for employment? How are they evaluated?
  • Is the institution accredited and certified by recognized industry bodies?
  • Are they currently licensed for operation and meet all Ministry of Education requirements?
  • What is the academic standing of the school amongst peers?
  • Gather information on the extracurricular activities your children are interested in. What does their sports program include? Ask about the music department. Are there agriculture, farming, or livestock departments? I don’t know what your little one is keen on but ask about it.

As foreigners, it can be easy to become confused if we don’t speak the language. Respect the people of Thailand by making an effort to learn new conversational skills with a one-on-one tutor of your own. The hourly rate is low on sites like Preply. That site didn’t increase my vocabulary, it advanced my ability to live happily in the community I call home.

If you are moving your family to Thailand and are looking for quality international education here, start with learning the history of education in Thailand. This report will answer questions and create more.

Our children are our legacy, not land, money, or title. We want to gently pass our distilled experiences and knowledge on to them, with the intent that they outsmart us.

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