Eye Exercises

4 Eye Exercises You Can Do at Home for Better Quality of Life

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For a long time, people have been made to believe that eye exercises can help them yield all manner of health benefits. However, very little scientific evidence exists to support that. Fortunately, if well done, eye exercises can play a vital role in minimizing eye-strain and also in making your eyes feel a tad better. So, if you’ve been experiencing a bit of eye discomfort of late, the following suggested routines may help ease the symptoms for you.

1. Blinking Exercises

Blinking, as simple as it is, can help your eyes relax and function a lot better. Why so? Because regular blinking helps keep your eyes moist which is something important when you need to focus longer.

The problem with the modern-day lifestyle is that lots of people are spending long hours behind digital devices and do not blink as regularly as they should. Consequently, this leads to poor vision and even eye strain.

Blinking allows your eyes to produce moisture for self-cleansing. And that way, they can stay refreshed for longer. So, whenever you experience a bit of eye-strain, consider setting a timer for 2 minutes during which you should blink every 4 seconds.

2. Regular Palming

According to this website, simple lifestyle changes like reducing sugar intake can help promote better eye health. But besides that, did you know that palming can significantly help improve your quality of life.

Whenever you sense that your eyes need some relaxation, find a comfortable place in your home or office. Then close your eyes and simply place your hands gently over your eyes. Basically, the center of your palm should be the one covering your eyes with your fingertips placed on your forehead.

Sit this way for a couple of minutes. Repeat this exercise every time you use a digital device for long hours.

3. Regular Change of Focus

Once again, most of the tasks we engage in these days involve looking at things too closely. You can, however, beat that challenge by learning to change your focus from time to time.

Basically, you want to make sure that you regularly switch from looking at near objects (e.g. your phone’s screen) to far objects (e.g. looking out through the window). This may not sound exactly like an exercise but it does count.

You know why? A regular change of focus helps your eyes to adjust the amount getting into them accordingly. That way, your retina does its job as is expected of it and above all, your key eye muscles are worked out so they end up stronger.

4. Zoom In, Zoom Out

This is yet another workout that can greatly support healthy vision. And the good thing about this workout is that you can do it when sitting comfortably on a chair.

Then holding your thumb out as if you’re going to hitchhike, attempt to bring your thumb close enough to one eye – keeping your focus solely on this thumb even as you move it to one inch away.

Again, keep your eyes focused on your thumb even as you move it further away from your eye. You want to repeat this for at least two minutes per set and repeat at least three times a day.


Although eye exercises may not necessarily reverse all eye problems, they certainly can help reverse eye strain and improve the quality of life. We have shared a handful of exercises that you can easily do at home or office. Hopefully, you can enjoy them during your free time so you feel relieved and maintain healthy eyesight for longer.

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Image source – Pixabay.com