Bruising After Rhinoplasty

Bruising After Rhinoplasty: 3 Times Bruising Should Not Be Ignored

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It’s been about a week since you had your rhinoplasty, and you’re noticing bruising on the right side of your nose. You know that this is something to be concerned about, but what exactly should you do? It’s important not to ignore any type of bruise after surgery, even if it turns out later that there was no major issue. We’ll look at three times when bruising after rhinoplasty should not be ignored.

If the area of bruising gets bigger or changes shape;

If something appears to be wrong with a bruise, the first thing you should do is bring it up at your next post-operative visit. Every doctor has slightly different rules about when patients can go back in, but generally speaking, most recommend going back within ten days after surgery.

If there’s still some kind of issue with a particular spot on your face that isn’t going away by then, make sure to mention it during this appointment and ask what you could do differently for recovery. In general, though, anything unusual occurring three days after surgery warrants an immediate phone call to the doctor’s office as well as another trip into their clinic or emergency room, depending on how serious it is.

If the skin around the bruise starts turning black and blue;

It’s possible for some bruising to take a while before it disappears. Still, if you’re noticing the darkening of not just your bruises themselves but also the surrounding area where they are on your face, this is causing concern.

You should probably schedule an appointment with your doctor ASAP so that they can get another look at what’s going on under there. For example, sometimes patients will develop hematomas which are pockets of blood underneath their incisions from surgery. They tend to be quite painful and need immediate attention to avoid any further complications or even infections, setting up shop inside these areas. While it doesn’t necessarily mean something like a hematoma is what’s happening in your case, an appointment is still necessary for assessment.

If more than one spot of bruising appears;

In general, it’s a good idea to keep track of where you’re experiencing the bruises from surgery. If multiple spots show up around your face after this type of procedure, there could be something going on underneath that needs attention as soon as possible. You don’t want these kinds of lumps and bumps continuing to grow larger or spreading at all, for that matter.

Don’t wait until they get out of control before making an appointment with your doctor. Doctors can inject steroids into any hematomas that have developed to reduce their size so that patients can avoid having them surgically removed if necessary down the line. In some cases, though, even injections won’t help, and you may need to have them removed if they’re creating any issues.

If you find blood in your urine or stool;

A little bit of spotting here and there is nothing to worry about, but if it turns into bleeding, then that’s a different story. Blood leaving the body through either urination or defecation can indicate that something has gone wrong with one of the surgical incisions. For example, sometimes they come apart during surgery and don’t heal together properly, so new tissues start growing between them, which causes these symptoms. It could also mean that some stitches have been cut too short and need to be re-done by a professional before any infection sets up camp inside this area.

If this occurs after rhinoplasy, though, it’s not always a bad thing and might just result from an injury. For example, suppose you bumped your nose during recovery, which caused some internal damage inside this area to begin bleeding again after surgery. In that case, there isn’t much cause for concern with something like this happening in most cases. You should still keep up communication with your doctor or surgeon, though, so that they can make sure everything is on track before discharge.

If you experience headaches or pain in your nose;

While it’s not always the case that surgery causes major issues after rhinoplasty, some people do report experiencing a headache at one point during recovery. If this happens to be true for you and there isn’t any explanation for why such an injury is occurring, then these symptoms should probably warrant concern from those who performed the surgery.

This could include either additional bleeding underneath where they made incisions on your face (which is more likely) or even something like meningitis which can cause serious complications if left untreated long enough. Either way, speaking with someone about what’s going on will help them determine whether or not you need additional medical care and how it should be handled.

If you experience headaches or pain in your nose;

One of the most common causes of nasal discomfort after this type of surgery is a simple sinus infection resulting from an injury to one side, which opens up passageways that normally aren’t there between both sides. Even if they don’t know what caused such an issue, doctors will often prescribe antibiotics to be safe so that infections can start clearing out once again. Suppose patients are still experiencing these kinds of symptoms after about two weeks. In that case, their doctor might recommend having some X-rays taken to make sure nothing like a fracture occurred during recovery on top of everything else going wrong at the same time (which usually isn’t the case).

It’s also possible that you’re dealing with something like a deviated septum. If this is the case, it will need to be corrected before people can get used to breathing properly through their noses again. It isn’t always an easy fix, though, and might require some additional procedures like tissue grafts or other corrective methods to make sure your nasal passages are straightened out for good (which should improve airflow dramatically if done correctly) Since there could be any number of things behind these issues after surgery, don’t hesitate to take advantage of all available resources when trying to determine what’s going on especially since not knowing can lead down a dangerous path leading towards major complications which nobody wants.

If one or more of these things happens to you right after getting rhinoplasty, then please let us know. We’d also appreciate any additional advice that our readers have regarding how long bruising lasts following cosmetic procedures.

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