Asbestos Testing Results

Beyond the Test: What to Do After Receiving Asbestos Testing Results

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Asbestos, once a ubiquitous material with a range of industrial and domestic uses due to its desirable physical properties, has seen a shift in reputation over the last century. As the severe health risks associated with asbestos exposure became clearer, new and strict regulations targeting its use and removal were set in place. These regulations give homeowners, property owners, and asbestos professionals protocols to follow when handling or removing this hazardous material.

One of the primary steps toward asbestos management is the asbestos testing process. Often, home and property owners receive their asbestos testing results and are left with a host of questions, mainly ‘what now?’ or ‘how do I interpret and implement these results?’.

This comprehensive guide serves as a roadmap for individuals who have received their asbestos testing results, walking them through the next steps in this crucial process. We’ll address common questions, demystify technical jargon, and equip you with the knowledge to ensure your home or property is safe and compliant.

Understanding Your Asbestos Testing Report

Before taking action, it’s imperative to grasp the content of your asbestos testing report. These reports can vary in structure and detail, but most will cover key aspects that include:

Location Sampling: Specific areas where samples were taken.

Sample Description: Details about the material tested.

Method of Testing: Whether the test used PLM (Polarized Light Microscopy) or TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy), which can indicate the accuracy of the results.

Percentage Content: The percentage of asbestos in the tested material, if present.

Fiber Type: Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Tremolite, Actinolite, and Anthophyllite—different types have different health implications.

Condition: The state of the material (friable or non-friable), which is critical for hazard assessment.

Health Implications: Whether the presence of asbestos poses a risk to health.

Now, we will analyze each of the above elements to guide your next move.

Material Location and Condition

The location of the material and its condition are vital. Asbestos in good condition, which is not friable (easily crumbled by hand), poses a lower risk as fibers are less likely to become airborne. However, damaged or friable asbestos demands immediate attention to prevent exposure risks. Carefully review the report to identify the material’s precise location and its state.

If the material is in an area subject to traffic or disturbance, it’s crucial to establish if it is at immediate risk for damage. Local regulations and the advice of an asbestos professional can provide clarity on the required actions.

Health Implications

Importantly, the report will inform you of the health implications related to the tested material. The presence of asbestos, especially at high percentages, signifies a potential health risk. Your report should clearly state any current or potential danger to occupants or workers, providing direction on risk reduction strategies and, if necessary, the removal process.

Interpretation of Test Results

The percentage content of asbestos in the tested material is one of the most critical pieces of information on your report. A higher percentage could indicate a more significant health risk, as might the type of asbestos. Chrysotile asbestos is the most common type found in buildings and is generally less friable, while amphibole fibers (like Crocidolite and Amosite) are more hazardous when airborne.

Lastly, understanding the testing method used is important. TEM, which is more accurate but also more expensive, is the preferred method, especially when dealing with lower concentrations or mixed fibers. PLM is a cost-effective method but may provide less detailed information, impacting the comprehensiveness of your report.

Legal and Safety Obligations

Receiving an asbestos testing result carries legal and ethical obligations. If a substantial presence of asbestos is detected, certain activities that could disturb the material may require permissions, notifications, and/or the employment of licensed professionals. Ignoring these obligations can result in hefty fines and, more importantly, endanger lives.

You will need to research local ordinances and contact relevant authorities to remain compliant. Remember, safety is non-negotiable—cutting corners with asbestos can have severe consequences.

Risk Mitigation and Management

Once you understand the report and any legal or safety obligations, it’s time to manage the risk. For materials in good condition, it might be a case of monitoring and regular inspections. For those that pose immediate risks, control measures such as encapsulation or enclosure may be necessary.

Engage an asbestos management professional to assess the situation and advise you on the most appropriate course of action. They will provide a risk management plan tailored to your specific scenario, detailing required next steps and potential long-term monitoring strategies.

The Removal Process

In the event that the asbestos must be removed, the process is highly regulated and must be carried out by trained, licensed professionals. Your asbestos report will act as a guideline for the removal process, outlining the materials and areas that require attention.

Prepare for the removal by ensuring all necessary safety measures are in place. Depending on the scope of the project, this can include isolating the work area, providing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and following specific disposal protocols.

Consultation and Cost Considerations

Understanding the implications of your asbestos test results often demands professional consultation. This could involve hiring an environmental testing company, an industrial hygienist, or an asbestos abatement contractor. Such consultations will help you form a more accurate picture of the steps and costs involved in addressing the asbestos.

Financial considerations are an unfortunate reality in asbestos management. Costs can vary greatly, depending on the presence and condition of asbestos, the type of abatement required, and the professionals engaged. Carefully consider these cost implications and don’t hesitate to seek multiple quotes to ensure fair value for services rendered.

Communicating Results

Transparency is key when it comes to asbestos testing results. If you manage a property as a landlord or operate a business, keeping tenants, employees, and relevant stakeholders informed is essential. This communication should be clear, providing the relevant information from the report without creating unnecessary panic.

Tell your audience the steps you’re taking, why you’re taking them, and what they can expect moving forward. If the testing was part of a due diligence process, it’s also important to provide access to the asbestos report to potential buyers or new tenants. This open communication builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to safety.


Receiving your asbestos testing results is just the beginning of a structured process that involves understanding, action, and ongoing management. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that the presence of asbestos in your environment is dealt with safely and responsibly. Remember, each situation is unique, and professional guidance is invaluable.

While the news of asbestos presence can be daunting, it’s your proactive response that truly makes the difference. By prioritizing safety, adhering to legal obligations, and enlisting the help of knowledgeable professionals, you can effectively manage the risks associated with the material and safeguard the health of those who occupy your premises.

Taking these steps may seem overwhelming at first, but with a systematic approach and the right partners, you are well-equipped to handle the situation with the level of diligence and care it warrants.

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