Top Employee Onboarding Tips

Best 9 HR Experts Share Their Top Employee Onboarding Tips

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Employee onboarding is important for companies because talented employees are the ones that help a company find the right footing and experience upward trends, avoiding stagnation of growth. When the companies or organizations can find the perfect or suitable candidate to fill in their job positions, it has a positive impact on the company. However, it so happens that a lot of employees who join in as new recruits, leave the company or organization early on. This can be problematic for the companies as they might suffer loss because of the need to start the recruitment process all over again. Therefore, a skill and requirement that a company needs to hone is the successful retention of their employees. This can be done by the HR consulting tips shared by some experts on employee onboarding.

1. Vacant positions can affect existing employees too.

The primary problem of vacant positions is accepted to be the expenses that are incurred by the companies and organizations which have lost their recruits. However, it so happens that this directly affects the existing employees too as they have to take the extra workload of the vacant employees and have to deal with all this till the vacation has been filled in.

2. Find the ground between a warm welcome and the provision of information.

When the employee onboarding process starts, the companies or organizations should remember that this is one process that decides how the employees view the company from now on. This is the first impression that the company makes on the employees and it has to be a positive one. This can be done by finding the middle ground between welcoming the new recruits into the organization and providing them with an organized orientation so that they know that the company works professionally along with basic information about the company. This can be applied by the best HR consultancy in Dubai.

3. Focus on an efficient onboarding process.

Employee onboarding is something that stays with the employee and benefits the company by successfully retaining the new recruits that join in. This is because if the company makes them feel like they add value to the organization, they would take their job seriously and try to work harder. The company should clearly communicate with the employees to make them understand the job expectations and the work they have to do. It is important to include this as part of your HR consulting firm.

4. Start off with the fundamentals and everything falls into place.

Even if you are looking for the best HR consultancy in Dubai, you have to pay attention to the fundamental tasks that constitute the employee onboarding process. The process should be perfect and little details are important. Only when the fundamentals like proper information, tools like phone etc, are paid attention to, that the whole process will be a success. It is important that before you get into the complexities, the basic stuff should be taken care of.

5. Make them know that they are important to your company.

The employee prepares for their first day with great anticipation and makes a great effort to impress everyone on the first day. However, the organization too should be ready for the welcome of the new employee so that they feel at ease. The employee should be properly introduced to each of their team member and other coworkers so that they get to know the other colleagues and enjoy a comfort level from thereon. The company can also ensure that everything that the new recruit requires for their work has been placed at their convenience beforehand. All this can make the employees feel that they are an important part of your company.

6. Layout the entire to-do list for organized efforts.

Because of the fact that the first year can see a lot of employees leaving the job due to various reasons, Alliance Recruitment Agency focus on the employee onboarding process as employee retention is important for the companies. The onboarding process should be well planned and each and every task should be outlined beforehand to ensure that there is no slip up. The onboarding process should not just end on the first day of the new employee and should go on for each day of the following year so that there is consistency in the image of the company.

7. Employee onboarding leads to employees staying.

As has been clear from the points mentioned beforehand, employee onboarding is important for the successful retention of employees. There should be a careful conduction of research about the industry that the company belongs in, the type of employee that it needs and the role that the employee has to fulfill. There should be some form of training or coaching for the new recruits to ease them into the environment of the organization. This helps them understand the type of technology used in the company, the norms to be followed and the gelling in with the other colleagues. This is done so that the newly recruited employees are aware of and can work on the latest technology updates.

8. Try to start the familiarization of the employees as soon as possible.

The employees should not, from the very first day, feel out of place in the workplace environment. They join in with an enthusiasm that should not be dampened by the feeling of disconnection. Therefore, it is important for even the best HR consultancy in Dubai to keep a plan in mind to get them familiarized from the first day of the job. This can be implemented by providing the new employee with an onboarding partner who can guide them through the first few weeks of the job. They should also feel welcome to ask for help and information whenever needed so that the job becomes easier for them.

9. Do not wait for the employees to join in to start the process.

This is profitable for the organization as well because the job position once filled should start reaping benefits as soon as possible. Therefore, the company would want them to get started with the job early on. For this, the onboarding process needs to be organized and should start even before the new recruit joins in for their first day. This saves both the organization’s and the recruit’s time and proves beneficial for both.

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