Keyless Locks

Are Keyless Locks the Right Security Solution for You?

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Unfortunately, any lock can be opened. It all depends on the time spent and the noise involved. These parameters are used to assess the burglary resistance of the lock. The better the lock, the longer and louder it will be to open it, and this will allow neighbours to notice unauthorized access and call the police. It is best to put locks of two different systems on the door – or combined locks since the methods of opening different types of locks differ greatly from each other, and thieves often specialize in only one type of lock. Recently, electronic locks have become popular and are widespread in company offices. These locks are very convenient for heavy traffic. Also, these locks are beginning to spread in private apartments. When choosing a reliable lock, do not forget about a high-quality door and the correct installation. So, here let’s learn more whether keyless locks are the right security solution for you?

Are The Keyless Locks Good Or Bad?

The overwhelming majority of models of electronic combination locks lack such an element as a mechanical key, the role of which in this case is played by a secret digital combination. As we have already noted, this solution provides a high level of secrecy, but with the obligatory condition that the combination is kept secret. If there is a risk of disclosing the secret combination to unauthorized persons, then it is necessary to take priority measures as soon as possible and promptly replace the code combination.

In addition, how some electronic locks are equipped with an identification system based on an electronic key. Most often, such a key is a plastic card with magnetic tape, proximity cards, remote transmitters based on infrared radiation, etc. These structures are often found in the doors of office and office premises.

Disadvantages Of Keyless Locks:

Electronic combination locks, engineers, when developing both entrance door systems and safe structures, currently envisage, in combination with an electronic lock, to use mechanical locking systems to ensure the maximum degree of security. This solution allows you to organize the so-called protection redundancy, and at the same time provides a guarantee its tasks. Here see below some disadvantages of keyless locks.

  • The possibility that the code may be spied upon when typing is not excluded;
  • You can forget the secret combination;
  • The dependence of the performance of an electronic door lock on the availability and quality of power supply;
  • The low resistance of many models to sudden temperature changes and high humidity;

Are Keyless Locks the Right Security Solution for You?

It is generally accepted that the sphere of use of the modern electronic coded locking system is the delimitation of access to office and service offices. And at the moment it is so: due to the presence of such functions as a quick change of the code combination, the organization of automatic accounting of personal information, and other equally interesting functions, the heads of organizations and companies “liked” this system, which allows not only to delimit access but also to enforce discipline in the workplace.

Electronic locks are able to identify any employee in your office and answer the question: where is he now – in the office, or outside? In addition, combination locks prevent chaotic walking around the office. Also, with just one command, all locks in the office can be locked.

Safes are an equally common area of ​​application for combination locks. For their protection, both mechanical and electronic, and even a combination of mechanical and electronic locks can be used.

It is also worth saying that to the family of modern combination locks, you can add special panels with the ability to dial a code combination on them. The uniqueness of such panels may be their characteristics, which provide high resistance to all kinds of mechanical destructive actions (protection against vandalism), ease of combination with video intercoms, etc.

As for the protection of the entrance doors of residential premises, so far the absolute leaders in this matter are mechanical systems, however, here you can often find electronic combination locks. Potential buyers in these systems are attracted by one very important feature, namely, the secrecy of the castle. As a rule, such locks are unlocked by means of remote controls. Modern models additionally have protection against the negative effects of aggressive natural factors in the form of high humidity, frost, rain, etc. Thus, it remains to get rid of only one drawback – for dependence on the high-quality and uninterrupted power supply. Manufacturers of modern electronic combination locks provide a guarantee that the batteries used in their products are sufficient for the normal operation of the locks for several years.

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