A Few Tips To Prepare Before You Travel

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Preparing for travel is not easy, you have to think about everything before you jump on the journey. Whether you have taken Europe holiday packages from Dubai, or any other package this summer, you have to understand every aspect of preparing for travel.

Before you decide on Europe tour packages from Dubai, it’s a great idea to set goals and achievements to work toward throughout your journey. It may seem silly, but it’s a very important step in making early travel preparations in order to guarantee the success of your time abroad!

Take on the concept of a S.M.A.R.T goal that is simple to create:

S – Specific: Your goals should be well defined and clear.

M – Measurable: Is your goal obtainable and how is success measured?

A – Achievable: Set goals that are realistic and can be achieved in the available time frame.

R – Relevant: Goals should be relevant to the task at hand – in this case, your travel journey.

T – Time-based or trackable: Set yourself a deadline and hold yourself to it.

Goals can be aimed toward personal growth, professional development or specific to the work that you are planning to do. Struggling to start your goal setting? Begin by reflecting on your motivations for travelling/volunteering/interning abroad and listing five of them. You will see a theme emerge from these motivations and goals should evolve naturally.

By the end of your adventure you will have a great resource full of all your memories – not to mention, journaling is a great boredom buster while travelling (especially in-transit) when, more often than not, you can’t rely on Netflix to get you through.

Begin practising before you leave home by using language apps, podcasts, watching movies, using the language in conversation with friends and family or by attending a physical or online language class. The best way to learn is through practice, so make sure that once you are at your destination you put your language skills into real-life situations.

Conduct your own personal research on things like:

  • Local culture
  • Customs
  • Food
  • Laws
  • Living arrangements
  • Climate

Knowing what you are in for will reduce culture-shock and set realistic expectations.


It may sound like a cliche but keep an open mind while you take Europe tour packages from Dubai. Your experience abroad will be heavily influenced by how you accept and embrace local culture, people and ways of life. If you are closed off to these things, you won’t have a very enjoyable time. Cliches are good, be ALL the cliches! Keep an open mind, step out of your comfort zone, seize the day etc, etc…

Your well-being, while you are abroad, is super-mega-important, you don’t want your memories to be clouded by a persistent illness or mental health issues. Take care of yourself before you leave, stock up on vitamins, and make sure that you have a solid support network of friends and family to talk to when things start getting hard.

Travel Preparation Checklist:

  • Have a passport that is in-date and any necessary Visas pre-arranged
  • Visit a travel doctor and receive required vaccinations
  • Pack a basic (or not so basic) first-aid kit
  • Book first nights accommodation (at least) and airport pick-up
  • Purchase comprehensive travel insurance
  • Speak to your bank about travel money options and let them know, specifically, where you are travelling to
  • Ensure that your mobile phone is unlocked for an international sim
  • Discuss communication expectations with your friends and family
  • Research climate and pack accordingly
  • Download your favourite podcasts and albums
  • Buy an amazing journal for goal-setting and keeping travel memories safe