Healthier Heart

10 Things To Do In The 20s For Healthier Heart

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According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, the main cause of death in the world is cardiovascular diseases. Now they affect not only the elderly but also the working-age population.

The USA is no exception; mortality from strokes, heart attacks, and other heart diseases in our country is almost 50%, and this figure has only increased over the past year. In this article, we will tell you how to take care of your heart health.

How To Keep Your Heart Healthy?

You can follow some easy tips to ensure a healthy heart. These include:

  • Study Your Family’s Medical History

Taking care of your health should start with eliminating hereditary risks. If one of the parents has always had problems with high cholesterol levels or blood pressure, get checked. Also, if there are members in the family with a heart defect that occurred before the age of 55 or other early heart diseases, you are already at risk. This does not mean at all that you will have the same problems, but it is worth showing increased attention to yourself.

  • Make Self-Care A Priority

Start appreciating your health while you still have it. This applies to both emotional and physical well-being. Try to control stress and deal with it competently, since avoiding it completely in the modern world is unrealistic.

Avoid burnout; find your own healthy ways to relax. Stress is a big provocateur of cardiovascular disease. In addition, more recently, scientists believe that intense emotional distress, which is called “broken heart syndrome”, increases the risk of cancer.

Another important point in self-care is getting good sleep. People greatly underestimate how much they destroy their nervous system, mental and physical health, lack of sleep.

  • Limit Alcohol In-Take

Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to several health problems such as attacks and strokes. Thus, if you have a family history of heart diseases and you are also an addict; the chances of getting a heart arrest doubles.

You can avoid such a problem by abstaining from the consumption of alcoholic drinks. If you find it difficult, contact alcohol addiction or abuse hotlines for guidance. They can tell you about suitable treatment for you via call.

  • Quit Smoking

If scientists still argue about the benefits and harms of alcohol, then with smoking, everything is unambiguous. According to research, people who smoke in their 20s and 30s are 2-3 times more likely to have heart disease than those who don’t.

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British scientists conducted a study that confirmed that quitting tobacco should improve both physical and mental health and significantly alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia and depression. Scientists believe that nicotine disrupts the work of serotonin and dopamine. Besides, these hormones also lead to the development of mental illness. Besides, these hormones also lead to the development of mental illness. Good news is that there is an alternative to smoking that you can take. It is a smokeless non tobacco available in It is chewable so you can hand it and take it anytime anywhere.

  • Try To Get Checked Regularly

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to cure it, especially with regard to problems with blood vessels and the heart. Modern diagnostics allows identifying the risk of heart attack, stroke, or other diseases. You can easily detect the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques or deep vein thrombosis.

It is much easier and cheaper to eliminate them, while a heart attack causes irreversible damage to the body. Try to get checked regularly, even if there are no serious reasons to worry about your health.

  • Be Mindful Of Your Contraceptives

Some oral hormonal contraceptives can raise blood pressure or thicken the blood, thereby increasing the risk of blood clots. For a healthy person, birth control pills are generally safe. However, if you have a hereditary predisposition to heart disease, varicose veins, or other problems with blood vessels, you should first undergo an examination.

This will help you assess all the risks before deciding on the choice of contraception. And for those who take hormonal contraceptives for a long time, it is especially important at least once a year to be examined for blood clotting and the state of blood vessels.

  • Eat More Fiber Foods

In addition to lack of mobility and stress, another risk factor for cardiovascular disease is an unhealthy diet. Try to have more fiber in your diet. It is present in cereals, wheat bran, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

Fiber improves digestion, promotes weight loss, but most importantly, lowers blood pressure and removes cholesterol from the body. Scientists found that the presence in the diet of foods with fiber significantly reduces the risk of hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke.

  • Watch Your Waist

Not everyone has a device for measuring blood pressure or cholesterol at home. But surely many of the threads and needles have a tailor’s meter, which can measure the volume of the body, including the waist.

According to scientists, an increase in the size of the waist and abdomen very often entails all kinds of cardiovascular diseases and even oncology. Remember to measure the waist at the narrowest point, just above the navel.

  • Consume Calcium-Rich Foods

Calcium is an essential trace element necessary for the health of the entire body. A New Zealand study found that people who consumed dietary calcium supplements were more likely to suffer from heart disease than those who ate natural foods with calcium.

Thus, add more low-fat dairy products, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, sesame seeds, etc., to your diet. In addition, it is important to moderate your sodium intake and switch to a diet that is low in salt.

  • Focus On High Potassium Diets

We just discussed that sodium is not healthy for your heart, but potassium, in converse, is quite healthy. Potassium diets help to maintain a healthy balance in the work of the heart and blood vessels. Foods rich in potassium include broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, and bananas.

Take Away

A person can collapse within a few seconds if his/her heart is not healthy. You can improve your heart’s health by following the tips mentioned in this article. Besides these tips, remember to be more active if you want to live longer and have a healthier heart.

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